
I'm Francesca

About Me

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Francesca, a 21-year-old third-year Creative Computing student at Bath Spa University, graduating in June 2025. In 2024, I broadened my academic experience with a semester abroad at the University of Technology Sydney. I have taken modules in Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Game Design, and Web Development. This portfolio highlights both my university projects and personal work, showcasing my skills in C++, Swift, and JavaScript.


Bath Spa University

BSc (Hons) Creative Computing (Games)

October 2022 - June 2025

Modules taken:

  • Codelab 1 and 2
  • Web Development
  • Game Development
  • Experience Design
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Image Sound and Code
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Digital Storytelling

University of Technology Sydney

Semester Abroad

February 2024 - July 2024

GPA: 6.25/7

Modules taken:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • IOS Development
  • Database Fundamentals
  • Computer Graphics

Recent Projects

CryptoTracker Ios App

For my final project in my iOS development course, my team and I developed CryptoTracker, an application built using Swift and SwiftUI. This app enables users to view up-to-date information on the most popular cryptocurrencies by utilizing a cryptocurrency API. Users can navigate through the app to see real-time updates on cryptocurrency prices, explore different cryptocurrencies, and view their current market values. Additionally, we integrated SwiftUI Charts to provide a visual representation of market trends, enhancing the user experience with intuitive and dynamic data visualization.

Car Customisation

This project showcases a dynamic car customisation tool developed with Three.js, enabling users to interactively change textures and colors across various car components. It leverages high-quality 3D models to provide a realistic and engaging user experience in web browsers.

Mini Crossword

I created a Mini Crossword puzzle using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This interactive crossword puzzle is based on puzzles sourced from The New York Times. The project includes features for dynamic highlighting of rows and columns, automatic focus management, and real-time input validation, ensuring a seamless user experience. The solution incorporates responsive design and efficient event handling to enhance usability and engagement.

Model Room Three.js

I created a 3D room using Three.js, a JavaScript library for 3D graphics. In this project, you can rotate, drag, and change the lighting within the room. I utilized JavaScript and imported models, which I assigned textures to, for a more realistic appearance. Additionally, I implemented interactive controls allowing users to move the models around the room, providing an immersive and dynamic experience.

Procedural Generation

During my time at UTS, I created a procedural generation artifact using Three.js. This project involved dynamically generating shapes and altering their properties through user interactions. I also integrated dat.GUI to provide intuitive controls, allowing users to modify the movement and shape of the generated objects in real-time. This project showcases my ability to implement procedural generation techniques and create interactive 3D experiences.

Harry Potter Desktop Application

For my codelab 2 final project I used "Potter DB" API with C++ and Openframeworks to create a wizard handyguide application. Features include being able to switch between potions and spells, being able to save specific items. If clicked on, it will produce more information about that item. In addition the user can type and it will automatically filter in real time without needing to press enter.

Parallel Puzzle

I created a 2D puzzle platformer using Unity and C# during my game development course. The objective is to play as two characters at the same time that are in different worlds and will have different challenges to face to ultimately unlock the portal that will take you to the next level.

image of a dog overlapping face

Face Detection and Speech Recognision

I developed a project utilizing p5.js, ML5.js, and Google's Teachable Machine to implement face detection and speech recognition. I trained an AI model to recognize specific words such as "cat" and "dog." When the program detects these words, it overlays a corresponding image (a cat or dog) over the user's face. This project demonstrates my ability to integrate machine learning models with interactive web technologies to create engaging and responsive user experiences.

Vending Machine Utility App

This was my final year project during the first year of university. It was built using C++ where I was able to demonstrate my ability from what I had learned during those few months. Skills I used was arrays, functions, switch statements, file handling, as well as writing orders to text files. If I were to do this again, I would have used vectors, classes and objects as well as improving my file handling management to make the program cleaner. To see more, go to my github below!

P5 Interactive Artefact

This project was created as part of an assignment for the Image, Sound, and Code module, marking one of my earliest ventures into coding. Using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding, I developed an interactive artefact that allowed users to engage with and manipulate animated shapes. Through this project, I was introduced to JavaScript and the p5 library, learning to create dynamic visuals and user interactions. It served as a foundational experience in my journey into creative coding.